On the 19th and 20th of May the event ‘Let us prove that we can’ was held. After third event that was finaly held on site, the fourth event again had to be online due to a bad and unpredictable epidemiological measures at the time of planning this event.
The event was divided in two days. On the first day programme consisted from two parts. Participants had a chance to get to know the area of the HOST region Trentino through a short presentation and video shown by dott. Riccardo Molignoni. After that mrs. Katarina Plancutić presented a statistic overview for unattainable emigration and also examples about active youth in rural areas. In the second part of the programme, participants had the opportunity to hear the presentation of ass. dr. sc. Aleksandar Lukić about the concrete instruments for stopping emigration of young people from rural areas-smart village approach.
On the second day, examples of good practice from Italy was presented by three speakers: prof. Matteo Soprani – CEO of Prospecto, Mrs. Cristiana Zongoli – coop. Naukleros and Mr. Alessandro Tannoia – chef, teacher and lecturer. After interesting, educative and very useful, positive examples, a workshop on the topic of entrepreneurship and youth was held. The workshop was led by Mrs. Claudia Lanteri, a project manager with extensive experience in organizing events and writing projects.
At the end of the event there was time for the conclusion of this event through the online survey. You can find the results here.