FIFTH EFYRA event – above expectations_2nd day

Considering the fact that the first day went really well, the second day we continued the same way but in more casual surroundings. In the beginning we had a short presentation for the Project dissemination and after that a certificate distribution ceremony.  In the...

5th EFYRA event – above expectations_1st day

After all ups and downs from the very beginning of the implementation of this project, we are extremely happy that we managed to complete the tasks set by the project and that we made it to hold our last EFYRA event, on site in Croatia.  On the 22nd and 23rd of...

Agenda for the 5th event in Croatia – ‘A VIEW TO THE FUTURE’.

The 5th event in Croatia is coming soon so we are presenting you the official Agenda.   As we already announced, the fifth event as a part of the EFYRA project will take place from the 22nd to the 24th of September 2022 under the name ‘A VIEW TO THE FUTURE’.  This...

Save the date-5th EFYRA event in Croatia

With great pleasure, we present to you the 5th EFYRA event ‘A VIEW TO THE FUTURE’ that will be held from the 22nd to the 24th of October 2022 in Croatia.  Preparations for the 5th event in Novi Marof/Varaždinske Toplice are still on the run, but we can present the...

Fourth EFYRA event – well done

On the 19th and 20th of May the event ‘Let us prove that we can’  was held. After third event that was finaly held on site, the fourth event again had to be online due to a bad and unpredictable epidemiological measures at the time of planning this event....